Monday, September 14, 2009


a year ago today, i gave birth to my first child. a beautiful baby girl with loads of spunk and personality, and a beautiful full head of curls. over the past year as a mommy i've had countless revelations about life and what's truly important. the purpose of this blog is not to be uber-deep and reach the highest level of self-awareness, but to chronicle my journey in getting to know my hair again.

for the record, a year ago my hair was quite long, to my bra strap in the back...about 6 months ago, i chopped off about 6 inches into a stylish bob and got caramel colored highlights...though i love the cut and color, it's way too much maintenance for me and i miss my beloved bun/ponytail.

the only way i've ever seen my real (non-permed) hair is either from baby pictures up until age 4 or 5, or between perms...the dreaded new-growth! well, on my baby's birthday, i'm making a declaration to stop the madness. i am publicly commiting not to perm my hair for at least ONE YEAR. now, it has already been a month and here are some of the reactions I've gotten:

from my husband: "What, what, what would you do that for?"
from my colleague, who is natural herself: "cook, i think you have the bone structure for could definitely pull it off"
from my mother: "-", well i haven't told her yet...i think i'll just let her see me at whatever stage of the "transition" i'm in during the thanksgiving holidays...

needless to say, i'm both empowered by this new decision and incredibly terrified. but i keep looking at my precious daughter, who has yet to be tainted by anything in the world, and i admire so many things about her. but since we're talking about hair i am not ashamed to say that i want the freedom of not having to apply certain chemicals to my hair at regularly scheduled burns and it's quite expensive.

so, here's the question: During this transition, should i braid it, chop it off, or continue to grow it out while pressing/hiding the new growth as best i can?

...i think i'll wait until thanksgiving to decide!

this is my permed, highlighted bob...more pictures of the transition forthcoming...

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